Why is CRM important and 3 ways you can Optimise to achieve more | optimiser


Why is CRM important and 3 ways you can Optimise to achieve more

What does CRM mean?

CRM in 2021

What is CRM used for?

Benefits of CRM

What can I achieve with a CRM tool?

CRM software by Optimiser



What does CRM mean?

CRM is a common industry acronym for Customer Relationship Management. In layman’s terms, this means the way a business manages its brand interactions with prospects, clients and partners. CRM features vary between most providers, but the software always encompasses the same core tools for customer interactions.



CRM in 2021

CRM can be conducted manually, but in 2021 it is more likely that you’ll see businesses using tailored CRM software to maintain positive relationships with customers in a range of ways.

  • Customers are willing to accept a higher expenditure on a product or service with better customer service
  • Customer-centric businesses are more profitable on average
  • Negative brand experiences are likely to put a customer off the very first time

Which is why customer relationships need to be at the forefront of any business considering how to accelerate its growth.



 What is CRM used for?

Developing and nurturing customer relationships are more important now than ever. As many businesses face issues with revenue, productivity and a rapidly changing marketplace, considerations must be made about how to increase income while reducing expenditure. As any sales rep will know, it is much cheaper to keep a customer than to acquire a new one: but did you know that difference can be as much as 25x more? When attempting to increase productivity for your company, managing an excellent CRM process is one of the best and more effective methods.


Features include:

  • Comprehensive contacts and accounts modules for detailed profiles
  • Pipeline to manage prospects and leads
  • Analytics to understand collected data on your customer relationships
  • Integrated modules for consumer-focussed activity across the full business scope from marketing to sales, events and finance


Any business that wants to increase sales and improve the way they interact with customers should consider a CRM as part of their vital software tools. Across industries, companies with sales and marketing teams will derive value from the automation and insights gained from the application of a CRM tool to their daily tasks.



Benefits of CRM

CRM allows your business to understand the behaviour of customers and prospects, where value is being generated on the bottom line, and replicate the most effective marketing and sales strategies to ensure customers are receiving the best possible interactions from your brand.



The better you learn to understand the actions of your audience and the marketplace you operate in, the more responsive you can make your marketing and sales efforts to match their changing requirements: keeping you ahead of the rapidly fluctuating trends of the 21st Century.

  • Increase customer retention
  • Organise information
  • Prospect assessment including lead “warmth”
  • Track leads
  • Smart, time-saving automations
  • Upselling and cross-selling
  • Nurturing existing relationships with personalised communications
  • Facilitates communication within teams and interdepartmentally



What can I achieve with a CRM tool?

So, you may be wondering what result you will be seeing from the implementation of a CRM tool into your daily business functions. Of course, there are a multitude of benefits, but in the end, where does the value lie?

1- Enhance your overall sales process

CRM will help you sell more, faster and better. By understanding exactly what your existing customers want and how they respond to different onboarding techniques, you will be able to develop an effective strategy for prospects. 

As previously mentioned, it is far more cost-effective to retain a customer than generate a new one. Not only does a CRM work with leads, it helps you to track and analyse the historic communications your brand has had with each client account. With a comprehensive store of contact data, you can quickly and effectively personalise emails to meet the interests of an account: increasing engagement and ROI (return on investment).


2- Personalise marketing

By collecting detailed data in your Contacts and Accounts tools, you can easily begin to analyse patterns and trends in consumer behaviour. From finding out about your customers purchasing habits, preferences and interests, to which communication style proves most effective for you, CRM helps you to understand consumers on a deeper and more intimate level. With this information, you can create customer segments to tailor the style and content of your communications activities: from marketing to customer service, to demographic preferences. 

The result? More effective communication with better open rates, CTR (click-through rates) and ROI which increases sales and stimulates more activity on your bottom line.


“Instead of one-way interruption, personalised marketing is about delivering value at just the right moment that a user needs it,”

  • David Meerman Scott


3- Improve internal coordination

By coordinating every team on a cloud-based calendar, as a manager you can quickly track progress and streamline workflows of multiple projects simultaneously. Check staff calendars for quick and convenient meeting scheduling, assign tasks based on capacity and reallocate priorities live as key business metrics and forecasts come in. 

Never let a query go unanswered, an email get lost in a busy inbox, or a project stakeholder left out of the loop. Tasks and Today’s View functions enable better customer relationship management by ensuring teams are on target and have access to the newest, most relevant data at all times.



CRM Software by Optimiser

Optimiser’s CRM is the perfect fit for any business looking to incorporate CRM software into their daily customer management. Fully customisable, the expert onboarding team at Optimiser helps you identify the necessary tools for your business and personalises a unique subscription that meets your exact needs. Integrated with any number of other solution suites, use your CRM system to improve marketing, events, project management and more, and begin growing your business.

Optimiser is a comprehensive CRM software company, providing businesses a customisable solution to their personal goals for sales, productivity, and growth. Powerful integrated modules include lead management software, a B2B sales toolkit, automated marketing suite and more for sale under a single subscription. Try Optimiser’s CRM software demo with access to the full Enterprise Licence FREE for 30 days, and find out how you can skyrocket productivity in just one month!


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Further Resources

CRM software for sales team
Enhancing Digital Transformation: How Customer Experience Leads the Way
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crm software
Customer Lifetime Value: Understanding The True Worth Of Your Customers
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CRM for sales and marketing
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