Web Design Trends To Know In 2023 | optimiser
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Web Design Trends To Know In 2023

Web design statistics provide insights into various aspects of website design, such as user behaviour, preferences, and expectations. These statistics can help web designers and businesses understand what works and what doesn't in website design, and can inform decisions about design elements such as mobile optimisation, site speed, usability, and content. They can also shed light on the impact of design built through website builder on user perception of a brand, and highlight areas where improvements can be made to enhance the overall user experience. 


Understanding user behaviour: Web design statistics can help businesses understand how users behave on their website, such as what pages they visit, how long they stay on a page, and what actions they take. This information can help businesses create more effective and engaging websites by optimising the user experience to encourage more conversions, such as signups or purchases.

Mobile optimisation: With the increasing use of mobile devices to access websites, mobile optimisation has become a critical aspect of web design. Web design statistics can help businesses understand how mobile users behave on their websites, what types of devices they use, and what types of content they prefer. 


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Site speed: Site speed is an important factor in user experience, with research suggesting that even small improvements in load times can have a significant impact on conversion rates. Web design statistics can help businesses understand how site speed impacts user behaviour, such as bounce rates, time spent on site, and conversion rates. 

Responsive design: Responsive design is an important aspect of web design, with many users accessing websites on different devices and screen sizes. Web design statistics can help businesses understand the importance of responsive design, such as the fact that up to 94% of website visitors judge a website based on its responsive design. 

Usability: Usability is a critical aspect of web design especially when built with CRM integrated website builder, with research suggesting that over 60% of customers cite usability as an important design characteristic for online shops. Web design statistics can help businesses understand what types of design elements contribute to usabilities, such as simple navigation, clear calls to action, and intuitive user interfaces. 

Brand perception: Web design can have a significant impact on brand perception, with up to 50% of customers believing that a website's design is crucial to the overall brand of a business. Web design statistics can help businesses understand what types of design elements contribute to brand perception, such as colour schemes, visual elements, and overall aesthetics. 

Visual elements: Visual elements such as images, colours, and videos can play a significant role in user engagement and conversion rates. Web design statistics can help businesses understand what types of visual elements users prefer, such as the fact that 40% of consumers value images and 21% value video on a company's website. 


Web Design Trends To Know In 2023


  • The credibility of a website is heavily influenced by its design, accounting for 75% of the impact. 
  • While 32% of small businesses currently have a mobile app, 42% are planning to create one in the future. In the first quarter of 2021, mobile devices accounted for 55% of global website traffic. 
  • Almost half of all mobile users prefer using a brand's mobile site rather than downloading an app when shopping or browsing. A one-tenth-of-a-second reduction in mobile site load times can significantly increase conversion rates. 
  • More than half of mobile users are less likely to engage with a brand if they have a bad mobile experience. 
  • Non-responsive design is the main reason why visitors leave a website, according to 73% of web designers, and 53% redesign sites due to non-responsiveness. 
  • Up to 94% of website visitors judge a site based on responsive web design. Almost 60% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices, and 23% of small retailers don't have their websites. 
  • In 2021, almost 54% of website visits to retail sites were expected to come from mobile devices. Among SMBs without a website, 24% said they don't know how to create or run one. 
  • Usability is an essential design characteristic for an online shop, according to 60% of customers, while 85% consider product information and photos when deciding which retailer or brand to buy from. 
  • Gathering relevant content and information from clients is difficult for 83.5% of web designers. 


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  • Up to 50% of customers believe that a website's design is crucial to a business's overall brand. 
  • In terms of visual elements, 40% of consumers value images, 39% colour, and 21% video on a company's website. 
  • Poor functionality causes 42% of website visitors to leave. 
  • Regarding colour schemes, 26% of consumers prefer primary, 21% complementary, and 20% analogous. 
  • Only 8% of website visitors notice whitespace when visiting a website for the first time.


Optimiser-Touchpoint Website Builder For Website Designing


Optimiser Touchpoint is a website builder that is designed for creating professional and functional websites with ease. The platform provides a range of features and tools that help users to create a website that meets their needs and requirements. Some of the key features of the platform include drag-and-drop functionality, a wide range of customisable templates, and an intuitive interface.

Users can quickly create a website now that looks great and functions well, without the need for a professional web designer.




Web design statistics are important because they provide valuable insights into user behaviour, mobile optimisation, site speed, responsive design, usability, brand perception, and visual elements. By understanding these statistics, businesses can create more effective and engaging websites that meet the needs and preferences of their target audience.



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