Top 3 ways to Nail your Next Sales Email | optimiser

Sales CRM

Top 3 ways to Nail your Next Sales Email

Sales Emails are sent off to customers we are interested in selling for products/ services, even though these emails are often sent to sales-ready leads. These are known as warm emails. The term is often related to cold emailing, where you approach individuals who don't have any acquaintance with you and have not been reached by you previously. Sales CRM for small businesses include email marketing as one of the key benefits to bolster business. 


“Sales is not about selling anymore, but about building trust and educating.” 

                                                                          -Siva Devaki                          



Who should use Sales Email?

Anyone with a product to market and sell can use sales emailing. Small businesses owners to multi-million pounds companies use sales emails to keep their audience engaged and informed about the products offered. For sales emails to work, you have to do some sales prospecting and prepare the email that captures the audience's interest in one look. Sales Toolkit includes sales email automation and in-built reports for business owners to interact with the metrics intimately. 



Are Sales Emails Worth the Hype?

Email is still the most popular form of communication for business owners. Many of their valued leads tend to come from the email itself. There is a negative hype around emailing that it does not work. But this is dependent on many factors. Having an email list, fresh content, a segmented audience that is interested in the product etc. Email is not urgent and allows people to process the data and mull over their decision. Consider that you are using the best sales CRM like Optimiser; there is an emphasis on analysing how the emails have been performing for the time being and whether you need to evaluate and implement a new strategy.



How to Nail your Next Sales Email?


1. Sales Prospecting

What is extremely vital for every sales email is to prospect your clients that have a buying intent. Email templates can take you so far. People are likely to open the mails but will not engage after a couple of times. Templates should be seen as an added bonus rather than a sales technique. Its use should enhance the customer’s experience.

With sales prospecting, you will not need attention-grabbing techniques. Your prospects interested in buying your products will not care about how much personalisation you have offered in the email. They care about the product first. You can work on building a relationship with them after they buy your product. 



2. Buyer’s Intent 

Prospects with buying intent are more likely to develop into customers than those with an initial interest in the product. Then how to understand if your client has the buying intent?

  • They are using your competitor’s product. Competitors customers should be your first audience to approach. There is a possibility that some might be wanting to migrate to a new product. Some can use products from both companies. The first company is offering a service, and yours is offering a better solution. 
  • Interaction with content shows that the buyers are interested. If they find your content interesting and engaging, there is a chance that they might be your potential customer. 
  • Interaction with competitors tells you that the customers are interested in buying the products and scoping out their options. The trick is to offer them a product that suits their needs more than the competitors does. 
  • They have been referred to you by a previous customer. Sales toolkit can be used to hyper-personalise the content for these customers to refer you to further contacts. Word of mouth is an extremely powerful sales technique that depends on the service you provide to the customers.



3. Email Components


  • Email Subject

Subject lines are used to gain the interest of the audience in a flash. Often it is the deciding factor whether the customer will interact with the content or not. Clever subject lines are not a must, but they can be advantageous. If you have done the sales prospecting right, the client will open the email to learn more about the product/ service. 

Do not use clickbait subject lines. It ruins the company's impression and can bring down engagement rates. The customer is likely to trust you a little less after that. Additionally, write a relevant subject line. Say, for a marketing campaign, you write some gibberish to attract customers. And it will persuade them to open the email. But after repetition, that will lose its charm, and customers will begin to ignore your emails. 

In your subject line, you can mention the day's news or mention the person who referred the company to the customer. Sales CRM for small businesses focus very much on email marketing of the product/ service. It is one of the best ways to inform and interest people. So, the email subject line should be drafted cautiously.



  • Email Body


Keep it Fresh.

First and foremost, do not repeat content from previous emails. It can hurt the engagement rate in a short time. In addition, you will need a long time to recover your open rates afterwards. 

In your email content, focus on solving the customers problem rather than pitching them information and telling them why you are great overall. Instead, it should engineer a solution for the customers’ issues. 

Tell them why your solution is ideal compared to others, like why you are the best Sales CRM etc. Mention high-profile clients and their experiences. It should show that you are qualified and experienced in handling their problem. 

Keep it short and crisp. People do not have time. They are always in a rush. They will be looking to get the data as soon as possible. While the clients will not go through all the customer’s testaments, you can add a link to comb through for others’ experiences. 

Talk about one advantage and benefit, not a table of them. Of course, all the companies have their plus points. But what sets you different is what the prospect cares about. This will give them a reason to respond to further communication and purchase your product. 


  • Email Ending

`Ensure that it is short and simple. It should convey that you are looking forward to helping the prospect, anytime and anywhere. In the signature part, keep your information such as websites address, phone numbers, social media handles etc. Do not ask for a subscription or add long URLs. 




Sales prospecting and buyer’s intent can define whether your next sales email will be a hit or not. In the long run, Sales emails do work and have benefitted several organisations in building their empires. Knowing who your clients are is always the first step.


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