Improving Customer Journey Through Website Mapping | optimiser
Website Mapping

Improving Customer Journey Through Website Mapping

Website mapping is the process of mapping all the links and pages on a website to provide a comprehensive view of the web pages. A website map shows the visitors where on the website they are, what content they are accessing, and what action they have taken. It also shows where other pages on the website lead, and how the website is structured. 

Creating a website mapping plan with the help of website builders with CRM integration helps website owners to: 


  • Track traffic and sales on a website
  • Identify bottlenecks on a website
  • Identify relevant keywords for a website
  • Identify the best place for an ad on a website
  • Determine the best time of the day to promote an ad on a website.


By sending the most frequently used links or pages to the homepage, the visitor to the website will have a much better experience and be more inclined to make a purchase from the business. This is often done by using a visual map system where each link in the website is assigned a zone on the map. It is called the “map view” or the “exploded view” because it visualises which zones the link points to on the map.

With the help of website mapping, businesses can improve the user experience that visitors have on their websites. This persuades the visitors to return to the website again and eventually make a purchase from the business. In order to create a good website mapping strategy, it is crucial to identify why people are visiting your site and what they want to see.


Website builder


Importance Of Website Mapping

Website mapping can help businesses to identify and address the needs of their visitors. It also helps in optimising the website for a better experience for all visitors. On a website, there are various pages that visitors may access. However, most of them end up on the home page, which is the page with the main content. Home pages are normally the most visited pages on a website. Home pages are generally the most optimised pages on a website as well. 

Website mapping helps websites to improve the user experience and serves as an excellent marketing tool. It helps in choosing the right ad that will make the most impact on the visitor, and it helps to avoid the wrong path of your site. 


User Journey On Website

When people first land on a website, they are typically confused and taken aback by how the website is structured. They have no idea where to begin their buying journey on the website, and therefore will look for information and details about the products or brands featured on the website. This is where the website mapping plan comes into play. The website mapping plan should guide the messaging and images displayed on the homepage, as well as the sub-pages. The website mapping plan should include information about the user's journey through the website, such as which pages they click on the most, where they are taken after navigating to the homepage, and which pages they return to next.


How To Create A Website Mapping Plan?

Creating a website mapping plan is essential for any website. A website mapping plan details the content that will appear on each page of the website. It also lists the links that will take the visitor to the next page and will include the time of the visit and the approximate amount of sales that will come from that visit.

A website mapping plan can be created using an integrated website builder like Optimiser-Touchpoint. After the plan is created, the easiest way to put it into action is by mapping out the content. Once you have the outline, create the pages and links within the outline. There are many different website mapping tools and software that can help with this.


Customer journey, website builder

Also Read: Who Are The Right Target Audience?


Tips For Creating Website Mapping Plan For Improving Customer Journey 

Keep it simple: The easiest way to make a website mapping plan look complex is to add features and pages that you don’t need. For example, if your shop is located in the West End of London, the map needs to include landmarks like Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey. These are unnecessary and complicated to create, map and integrate into the plan. If you keep it simple, people will be much more likely to buy from you again and again.

Another tip for keeping your website mapping plan consistent is to use the same format and design for all your maps. This will make it much easier to integrate the plan into your website. 

Be Proactive: As the owner of any business, it is crucial to keep an eye on your website traffic and trends. By using website mapping, you will be able to identify and prioritise the most visited pages on your site.


Optimiser-Touchpoint Website Builder 

Using Optimiser-Touchpoint website builder, you can create an online presence for your business. It assists you with the design and development of your website. With the help of the platform, you do not have to be an expert in coding. You just have to pick a template, add your content, and get it live on the web. Optimiser-Touchpoint comes with different features and functionalities to help you understand your visitors. 



Website mapping is a great way to improve the user experience on your website. It not only helps you understand your audience better, but it will also help you create a more engaging and useful website for your customers. By creating a user journey map for your website, you can better understand what page your visitors are seeing and what they are doing. This will allow you to improve your website mapping plan accordingly.


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