How Businesses Can Succeed with an Integrated Marketing Strategy? | optimiser

Marketing Automation

How Businesses Can Succeed with an Integrated Marketing Strategy?

What is Integrated Marketing?

What are the benefits of Integrated Marketing? 

How to use Integrated Marketing Strategy to your Business to Succeed



Integrated marketing can be a vital tool for a business's success. Many organisations use this method of marketing to boost their brand name. It allows businesses an opportunity to establish brand loyalty among customers. 

What is Integrated Marketing?

Integrating all the marketing communication means like PR, advertising, and social media to provide a customer-centric experience. It allows you to maintain a consistent tone and message from your communication channels. One can employ a mix of media, tactics and channels for a seamless experience. 

Integrated marketing is quite different from Omnichannel marketing. Omnichannel is more focused on customer experience. In contrast, Integrated marketing is focused on delivering a message. Both are pretty effective as it happens and essential for any brand. Still, one needs to identify their business needs to implement either. 


"Integrated Marketing Communications is a way of looking at the whole marketing process from the viewpoint of the customer "

-Philip Kotler


Using both marketing activities can be beneficial for every business. However, one cannot simply focus on sending a message without maintaining excellent customer service. People will be less likely to trust you if your business only makes promises. While you may deliver them, most will hesitate due to a lack of customer service advertisement. 

On the other hand, if you deliver customer service but do not send a message about the same. Your brand is likely to grow slower or even become stagnant. 

It is vital to focus on both multidimensional brand experience and the shopping experience to bolster growth. 


What are the advantages of Integrated Marketing? 

Integrated marketing is a powerful tool when implemented correctly. Campaigns based on these can outperform single or even dual-channel campaigns. 

  • Better results: With the combination of tools and messaging, your marketing will be far more effective. The customer journey is bound to be unified and focused. This increases the chance of sales and establishes brand loyalty. 
  • Unique branding and messages: Building brand awareness with graphics, headlines, creative content, and critical phrases across different platforms can reinforce your brand image. 
  • Cost-effective: Consistent campaigns with focused messages seem like an expensive matter. But this is not true. Integrated marketing is affordable and effective. If you are working on a tight budget, you can manage it according to your convenience.




How to use Integrated Marketing Strategy to your Business to Succeed: 

The process of leveraging marketing doesn't necessarily mean that it will be expensive. Using the required tools that suit your business needs can amplify your brand reach and increase your ROI. To capture the customers' mind space and elevate growth, some of the integrated marketing techniques include:

 1. Automated Emails for Personalised Conversations

From no or low awareness to converting the customers loyal to brands, emails play a significant role in marketing. As per several studies, emailing remains to be one of the most effective ways of reaching people. It promises the highest ROI amongst all of the marketing channels. Using tools for email marketing can drive up one-on-one engagement and convert more prospects. 

Deploying automated emails for promotional content and recommending content that is relevant to their interests. Optimiser is one such platform that offers a complete email marketing solution. It comes with templates for marketing to capture the attention of the audience and boost the click rate. With HTML codes and drag-and-drop functions, you can build dynamic messages to gain customers. 

Email marketing allows you to segment your customers and maximise ROI with each campaign. In addition, automation and scheduling email deliveries help in productivity and are much more efficient. 



2. Social Media Leverage

In the age of information and technology, social media is the most considerable leverage every organisation has. A compelling means for advertising and marketing, social media has more than 3.96 billion users worldwide. 

From getting information about the rising trends in the industry and creating relevant campaigns that can reach billions of others at once. 

Cross-functional collaboration and streamlining campaign strategies along with creation and scheduling posts to engage prospects. With insights of customers and their opinions in hand, companies can tailor more accurate social media strategies to bring more consumers to the brand page. 

Customised content can boost posts' performance. High performing posts can improve brand visibility and bring more customers. Customer service and feedback can be collected from this channel effectively.




3. Align advertisement throughout digital channels

Most consumers do not like ads simply because they are bombarded all the time. They find their user experience being ruined by irrelevant ads that are set on every website. But in a data-driven manner, these ads can be strategically placed where the ideal customers are. Also, when your ads are targeted, you can exclude unwanted customers and reduce fake leads. 

Using customer data from digital channels and building an audience across several channels like Facebook, Google, YouTube etc., can further your brand. Optimising inactive subscribers by engaging them and reducing ads for current ones. 



4. Mobile Messages

Mobile messaging may sound old school. But it is not the case. Most of the customers are mobile-savvy. They spend most of their time engaging with their phones. To bolster engagement, the marketing teams can send out multimedia, outbound, and text responses in SMS and MMS to customers. In addition, push notifications can inform the customer about deals and discounts and increase in-app purchases. 

Transaction based trigger messages for shipping reminders, password resets etc., can keep the customer informed of their activities and even engage the inactive customers. Targeted customers near stores with coupons can form a geofenced message. 




Reaching customers can be pretty easy, but establishing their loyalty to the brand can take time. However, an integrated marketing strategy that uses communication channels can further any business, given that it is used properly.



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