9 Biggest Sales Trends to Maximise your Revenue | optimiser

9 Biggest Sales Trends to Maximise your Revenue

Sales teams around the world adapted to the new changes brought in by the pandemic. Developing new tactics to bring in customers, they have leveraged CRM for sales team such as Optimiser. 


9 Sales Trends To Maximise Revenue 


Human experience priority 

The importance of adding a human touch is a significant element that one cannot overlook. The rise of the pandemic has confirmed as much. While digital devices take out the need to interact with too many humans at a time, adding a human touch makes these interactions more meaningful. 

As per a study, customers are far more likely to build a bond with a company that offers an authentic and holistic experience that matches their needs. 


Organising the demographic

Organising the demographic can ensure that the sales team can navigate through leads that come from a common customer base. And that their purposes are similar. Everyday, global trends change and so do the demands of the consumer. The world looks at businesses as a solution for their problems, and if the business cannot deliver, the people will move to a competitor. 

Keeping up with the customer base in these times is of utmost importance. This ensures that your strategies are far more customer-focused and personalised. 


Artificial intelligence 

The ability of AI to predict the consumer's behaviour is an advantage that can transform the sales experience you offer to your customers. The sales team can use the gathered data for analysis and understand their audience's needs with unparalleled efficiency.  As per a report, sales teams that perform exceptionally well are 4.9 times more likely to use AI. The benefits of AI for the sales team include an increase in lead volume, close rate, and the overall performance of sales. CRM for the sales team that comes with AI is predicted to boost revenue by $1.1 trillion.



Sales and marketing alignment 

CRM for sales and marketing can be a powerful tool to ensure that the sales and the marketing teams are working cohesively. In a digital world, the need for these two departments to work together has increased as their functions are quite synonymous with each other. The marketing team brings in potential leads that need to be nurtured and the sales team persuades these leads to convert into paying customers. 

With the help of Optimiser CRM, integrate your sales and marketing suite to avoid information silos and make sure that the two teams are on the same page. You can keep the customers at the heart of your strategies and nurture high-volume leads efficiently. You can stop using the outdated lead ranking system, instead, use the lead scoring system where the AI ranks the leads most likely to convert for you. 


Customer participation 

Do not overlook customer engagement and its role when it comes to crafting sales strategies. Organisations have recognised the huge potential in this and have been making an active effort to engage their customers. As per research, about 86% of the buyers are willing to pay more when they are offered a significant customer experience. Customer engagement has become a two-way street. Companies engage with the customers and offer a unique experience of the brand, and in return, the customers pay more for an improved service. 


Social selling

Social media has contributed to the rise of many giants in different industries. And it is on the path of growth as it is a means for disseminating information effectively. Given the unpredictable nature of the social platform, anything can go viral and create a buzz. About 31% of the B2B professionals stated that social selling has helped them build fruitful relationships with their customers. CRM like sales management systems advantages social selling. You can streamline all your leads in one place rather than going back to the social media platform to see who has contacted you.




Sales training 

Sales management system advantages are unparalleled but employee training in these systems is very vital. If your employees do not know how to use it, how will they unlock its fullest potential? 

And not only that, they should get training in other trends as well such as core values, how to offer a human experience, how to make their strategies customer-centric etc. Insufficient training can harm companies in more than just sales. It can demotivate the employees. 



CRM for sales and marketing is an integral part of any business. It not only streamlines the business operations but also cuts down the tedious tasks that need not be accomplished by the employees. It saves time and resources. As per a study, CRM applications and techniques have increased sales by 29% and the productivity within the sales teams by 34%. 


Sales channel strategy 

Omnichannel has been in the strategies of sales for more than a decade. Omnichannel means you are offering your customers a single purchasing experience. This does not depend upon where your customers prefer to buy your product from. More than 89% of the customers have been retained by businesses through omnichannel commerce. 

However, in the past two years, customers are far more excited about D2C marketing. About 55% of the consumers rather buy the products directly from the brand than from a multi-brand retailer. 



The pandemic has changed the way consumers see a brand. They seek out a more human touch to their experience but with added personalisation. They are willing to pay more for a unique experience. While businesses have settled in the post-pandemic era, they expect to see some of the most unpredictable marketing trends emerge in the next few years.



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Further Resources

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Enhancing Digital Transformation: How Customer Experience Leads the Way
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